Decisions Shape Your Future


Whether you are growing a business, turning your talents into a business after years in management roles, or running an entrepreneurially-minded team, your strategy, work culture (including mindset and habits) and how fast you implementation are critical factors in making it a success.

Clients typically hire Clever Fox when they need to make changes and want to:

  • Clarify their value to generate genuine interest in their service

  • Identify their perfect clients (beyond demographics) so they attract customers, partners and collaborators that are a good fit

  • Gain strategic insight to develop a road map

  • Identify and implement mission critical steps without getting bogged down

At Clever Fox, we Facilitate High Quality thinking to help you Get SErious Results the Enjoyable way

We take you through deliberative and reflective thinking processes that enable you to

  • Remove pre-conceived notions to help you see the bigger picture

  • Map out potential futures

  • Set meaningful and sound outcomes

  • Evaluate your choices and opportunity costs

  • Mitigate risks factors

  • Align decision-making with your values

Based in Melbourne, we have been working with clients throughout Australia and internationally since 2004.